



新鲜 – 漁船當天回來直接清理快速急凍海鮮
健康 – 清理乾淨後的海鮮吃了安心
安全 – 無藥水防腐劑或一些化學加工物
快速 – 24小時內發貨,冷凍送往你家

我们希望讓跟多人吃到最新鮮的 東馬海產 ,把沙巴渔夫们的优质好鲜,天天宅配至西马半岛城镇。

We are a fresh seafood retail and wholesale company. Growing up as a fisherman, we source our seafood directly from the local port from Sarawak and Sabah.

We also export to west Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong in pass few years!

Fresh, Healthy and Safe.
All our seafood are without all additives, vacuum packed & cleaned
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